Friday, October 19, 2012

SQL Server: Why We Should Avoid NOLOCK Table Hint in DELETE/UPDATE Queries

Recently, I was asked to review, already written stored procedures for optimization purpose. During this review process I have found that a group of developers is regularly committing a big mistake. This group of developers believes that table hint NOLOCK is used to execute queries quickly, as this hint will avoid placing any lock on target table records and it can you used in any query. Even they have applied this NOLOCK in DML statements.
First thing, NOLOCK hint means, it will not take care of any lock (instead of placing lock). It will return data, that could be dirty (NOT YET COMMITTEED by other transactions). We can use this table hint to get results quickly when we are dead sure that dirty data is TOTALLY bearable.
In DELETE/UPDATE queries it should be totally avoided as it can produce junk results. Let’s prove.
In following example, we need to correct discount column of SalesOrderDetail, but according to discount provided in lookup table of SpecialOffer. Before we execute our update statement (Statement #2 in Transaction# 2), someone has accidently changed SpecialOffer, but good thing is that, he has not committed these changes yet. But as we have placed NOLOCK hint in our Statement #2 in Transaction# 2, it will change data according to dirty data, though, later on transaction#1 is rolledback.

SQL Server: Script to Fix ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS Option for All indexes on All Databases

Recently we have found that our index defragmentation job is failing on a production server, due to REORGANIZE   failure of one of our index. SQL Server was unable to REORGANIZE this index because mistakenly we have an index with the ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS options set to OFF

What is Page Lock Option?
According to BOL, If ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS option is set to ON, it means Page locks are allowed when accessing the index. The Database Engine determines when page locks are used.

ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS  option is set to off following query will return an error.
INDEX IX_Address_AddressLine1_AddressLine2_City_StateProvinceID_PostalCode
Person.Address REORGANIZE

The index "IX_Address_AddressLine1_AddressLine2_City_StateProvinceID_PostalCode" (partition 1) on table "Address" cannot be reorganized because page level locking is disabled.

You can correct it by simply updating ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS option to ON with the help of following query
ALTER INDEX IX_Address_AddressLine1_AddressLine2_City_StateProvinceID_PostalCode

To make sure to avoid this problem in futur for all datbases on a instance, Amna Asif has suggested following simple but efficient script to detect indexes with ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS option set to OFF and automatically fix this problem for all of your databases on an instance.

Script By: Amna Asif
Purpose : To fix ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS option on

                 all indexes of all databases on a particular instance




DECLARE @IndexCount int
@UpdateIndexQuery Varchar(500)
--- Table variable to hold intermediate result set

            DECLARE @IndexsInfo TABLE
            RowNo int identity(1,1),
            DatabaseName varchar(100),
            TableName varchar(100),
            IndexName varchar(100)
--- Cursor to work on each changeable index of each db on an instance

      DECLARE DatabaseList CURSOR 
                    SELECT Name
                    FROM sys.databases
                    WHERE state_desc = 'ONLINE'
                    AND is_read_only = 0
                    ORDER BY name
      OPEN DatabaseList
             FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseList INTO @DBName
             WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
               INSERT INTO @IndexsInfo (DatabaseName,TableName,IndexName)
               EXEC( '  SELECT '''+@DBName+''' AS DatabaseName,TABL.NAME AS TableName,indx.NAME AS IndexName     
                              FROM '+@DBName+'.SYS.INDEXES indx
                              LEFT OUTER JOIN '+@DBName+'.SYS.TABLES TABL ON indx.[OBJECT_ID]=TABL.[OBJECT_ID]
                              WHERE ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = 0           -- where page lock option is not selected
                              AND NOT LIKE ''QUEUE%''  ' -- we need only user defined indices
            FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseList INTO @DBName
            CLOSE DatabaseList
            DEALLOCATE DatabaseList
-----Update allow_page_locks option for those indexes where we need 

 SET @IndexCount=(SELECT MAX(RowNo) FROM @IndexsInfo )
      WHILE @IndexCount >0  
          SET @UpdateIndexQuery=( SELECT ' ALTER INDEX '+ IndexsInfo.IndexName +' ON ['+
            SET (
                  ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON
                  ) ; '
            FROM @IndexsInfo AS IndexsInfo
            WHERE IndexsInfo.RowNo=@IndexCount)
           SET @IndexCount=@IndexCount-1

SQL Server: How to Analyze Blocking and Deadlocking

In response to an early post Difference Between Locking, Blocking and Dead Locking , I have received few mails where I was asked “How to analyze this blocking and dead locking phenomenon”.
I like to use performance monitor counters to check the frequency of blocking and dead locking. You can find these counters by selecting SQL Server: Locks. Three counters under this group are very useful.
  1. Lock Timeouts/sec
  2. Lock Wait Time (ms)
  3. Deadlocks/sec
Out of these three counters first two are used to analyze blocking. Value for “Lock Timeouts/sec” should be zero (0) and “Lock Wait Time (ms)” must also be very low. If you are observing nonzero value for “Lock Timeouts/sec” and continuous high value for “Lock Wait Time (ms)”, then there is excessive blocking occurring. Your long running queries can cause this blocking. Use profiler or sys.dm_exec_query_stats to identify such culprit queries.
None zero values “Deadlocks/sec” counter is an indication of deadlocks. Value for this counter must always be zero.
We can also use following query
FROM    sys.dm_os_performance_counters
WHERE object_name = 'SQLServer:Locks' 
AND instance_name = '_Total'
AND counter_name IN ('Lock Waits/sec','Lock Wait Time (ms)','Number of Deadlocks/sec')
Do you have any better idea ? Please do share with us.

SQL Server: Difference Between Locking, Blocking and Dead Locking

Like ever, today’s article of Pinal Dave was interesting and informative. After, our mutual discussion between our DBAs and Developers on Pinal Dave topic of Concurrency and Isolation. I felt that most of us are intermingling three equally sounding words. Those are LOCKING, BLOCKING and DEAD LOCKING.
Lets try to revisit these concepts with some simple analogies.
LOCKING occurs when connection needs access to a piece of data in database and it’s necessary for SQL Server when managing multiple connections. Just assume an example of your garage, when you park your car in garage, basically you are locking the place of garage.

BLOCKING occurs when two connections need access to same piece of data concurrently and one connection is blocked because at a particular time, only one connection can have access. Just like, you stop (block) your car on a traffic signal because some other car or cars are using the crossing area.
DEAD LOCK occurs when one connection is blocked and waiting for a second to complete his work, but on other side, second connection is also waiting for first connection to release the lock. Just like, you need to cross the signal area but same time someone else from opposite side also want to cross the signal. Now, you need a way which other is holding and other need way where your car is.
That is why, one should be clear that locking is integral part of SQL Server to handle concurrency, blocking is bad when one connection/transaction is waiting unnecessary for a long time, and deadlocking is a phenomenon which should never occur.

SQL Server: Indexes for GROUP BY Columns, a Good Choice

Every one of us knows that index on the columns referred to in an ORDER BY clause are helpful for optimizer to organize the output fast because columns values are already in sorted form.
Same way, columns which are part of GROUP BY benefit from indexes on the corresponding columns as GROUP BY clause columns are sorted first because sorted column values allow the adjacent matching values to be grouped quickly.
Indexes are also helpful for aggregate functions like MIN and MAX. Indexes on such columns are helpful for optimizer which need table/clustered index scan to find MIN or MAX values for a given column.

SQL Server: Simple Method to Resolve All Indexes Fragmentation

Recently a blog reader asked about a script or stored procedure which can resolve all indexes fragmentation as manually exploring each index of database for its level of fragmentation and then rebuilding or re-indexing it, according to its requirement, is bit painful task.
Here is a store procedure which I like to use for this purpose. I normally execute this stored procedure through an automated job during off peak hours.

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Proc_IndexDefragmentation
        @TableName NVARCHAR(255),
        @SchemaName NVARCHAR(255),
        @IndexName NVARCHAR(255),
        @PctFragmentation DECIMAL


                FROM    sys.objects
                WHERE   OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID(N'#Frag') )
        DROP TABLE #Frag

          DBName NVARCHAR(255),
          TableName NVARCHAR(255),
          SchemaName NVARCHAR(255),
          IndexName NVARCHAR(255),
          AvgFragment DECIMAL

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb 'INSERT INTO #Frag(
            SELECT ''?'' AS DBName
            ,t.Name AS TableName
            ,sc.Name AS SchemaName
            , AS IndexName
            FROM ?.sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(''?''),NULL,NULL,NULL,''Sampled'') AS s
            JOIN ?.sys.indexes i
            ON s.Object_Id = i.Object_Id
            AND s.Index_id = i.Index_id
            JOIN ?.sys.tables t
            ON i.Object_Id = t.Object_Id
            JOIN ?.sys.schemas sc
            ON t.schema_id = sc.Schema_Id
            WHERE s.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 20
            AND t.TYPE = ''U''
            AND s.page_count > 8
            ORDER BY TableName,IndexName'

        FOR SELECT  *
            FROM    #Frag

    OPEN cList
    FETCH NEXT FROM cList INTO @DBName, @TableName, @SchemaName, @IndexName,
            IF @PctFragmentation BETWEEN 20.0 AND 40.0
                    SET @Defrag = N'ALTER INDEX ' + @IndexName + ' ON '
                        + @DBName + '.' + @SchemaName + '.[' + @TableName
                        + '] REORGANIZE'
                    EXEC sp_executesql @Defrag
                    PRINT 'Reorganize index: ' + @DBName + '.' + @SchemaName
                        + '.' + @TableName + '.' + @IndexName
                IF @PctFragmentation > 40.0
                        SET @DeFrag = N'ALTER INDEX ' + @IndexName + ' ON '
                            + @DBName + '.' + @SchemaName + '.[' + @TableName
                            + '] REBUILD'
                        EXEC sp_executesql @Defrag
                        PRINT 'Rebuild index: ' + @DBName + '.' + @SchemaName
                            + '.' + @TableName + '.' + @IndexName

            FETCH NEXT FROM cList INTO @DBName, @TableName, @SchemaName,
                @IndexName, @PctFragmentation

    CLOSE cList

    DROP TABLE #Frag

I think one more cleanly written, Tara Kizar stored procedure for this auto defregmentation process, can also help you. You can find it at Tara Kizar Blog

SQL Server: How to Get Physical Path of Tables and Indexes

When database consists of multiple data files and objects (tables/indexes) are dispersed on these multiple data files. Common requirement is to get a list of objects (tables, indexes) along with their physical path.  Here is a simple query to accomplish this task.
SELECT  'table_name' = OBJECT_NAME(,
        'index_name' =,
        'filegroup' =,
        'file_name' = d.physical_name,
        'dataspace' =
FROM    sys.sysindexes i,
        sys.filegroups f,
        sys.database_files d,
        sys.data_spaces s
        AND f.data_space_id = i.groupid
        AND f.data_space_id = d.data_space_id
        AND f.data_space_id = s.data_space_id